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Rate Provider

The RateProvider contract is designed to provide rates for token swaps.


The source code of the RateProvider.vy contract can be found on GitHub.

Additionally, each RateProvider contract is integrated into the chain-specific AddressProvider at ID = 18. To get the most recent contract, users are advised to fetch it directly from the AddressProvider.

For example, to query the RateProvider contract on Ethereum:

>>> AddressProvider.get_address(18)

The contract has a get_quotes method which fetches and returns exchange rates for specified token pairs. These quotes are only sourced from Curve AMM pools. The contract strictly relies on the Metaregistry contract as it fetches rates only from pools picked up by it1. Additionally, there is a get_aggregated_rate method which returns a weighted aggregated rate.

The logic of the contract is to identify the pool type used to facilitate the desired swap and then use the corresponding ABI, which essentially calls the get_dy or get_dy_underlying function to fetch the rates.

STABLESWAP_META_ABI: constant(String[64]) = "get_dy_underlying(int128,int128,uint256)"
STABLESWAP_ABI: constant(String[64]) = "get_dy(int128,int128,uint256)"
CRYPTOSWAP_ABI: constant(String[64]) = "get_dy(uint256,uint256,uint256)"


CurveRateProvider.get_quotes(source_token: address, destination_token: address, amount_in: uint256) -> DynArray[Quote, MAX_QUOTES]

Getter method which returns quotes for a specified source_token compared to a destination_token based on the input ampount amount_in.

Returns: A dynamic array of Quote structs containing the following data:

  • source_token_index (uint256): Index of the input token in the pool.
  • dest_token_index (uint256): Index of the output token in the pool.
  • is_underlying (bool): Indicates if a metapool is involved.
  • amount_out (uint256): Amount of the destination token to be received.
  • pool (address): Liquidity pool address from which the rate is provided.
  • source_token_pool_balance (uint256): Source token balance within the pool.
  • dest_token_pool_balance (uint256): Destination token balance within the pool.
  • pool_type (uint8): Type of pool: 0 = Stableswap, 1 = Cryptoswap, 2 = LLAMMA
Input Type Description
source_token address Source token.
destination_token address Destination token.
amount_in uint256 Amount of tokens the provided rate is based on.
Source code
struct Quote:
    source_token_index: uint256
    dest_token_index: uint256
    is_underlying: bool
    amount_out: uint256
    pool: address
    source_token_pool_balance: uint256
    dest_token_pool_balance: uint256
    pool_type: uint8  # 0 for stableswap, 1 for cryptoswap, 2 for LLAMMA.

interface AddressProvider:
    def get_address(id: uint256) -> address: view

interface Metaregistry:
    def find_pools_for_coins(source_coin: address, destination_coin: address) -> DynArray[address, 1000]: view
    def get_coin_indices(_pool: address, _from: address, _to: address) -> (int128, int128, bool): view
    def get_underlying_balances(_pool: address) -> uint256[MAX_COINS]: view

ADDRESS_PROVIDER: public(immutable(AddressProvider))
METAREGISTRY_ID: constant(uint256) = 7
STABLESWAP_META_ABI: constant(String[64]) = "get_dy_underlying(int128,int128,uint256)"
STABLESWAP_ABI: constant(String[64]) = "get_dy(int128,int128,uint256)"
CRYPTOSWAP_ABI: constant(String[64]) = "get_dy(uint256,uint256,uint256)"

def get_quotes(source_token: address, destination_token: address, amount_in: uint256) -> DynArray[Quote, MAX_QUOTES]:
    return self._get_quotes(source_token, destination_token, amount_in)

def _get_quotes(source_token: address, destination_token: address, amount_in: uint256) -> DynArray[Quote, MAX_QUOTES]:

    quotes: DynArray[Quote, MAX_QUOTES] = []
    metaregistry: Metaregistry = Metaregistry(ADDRESS_PROVIDER.get_address(METAREGISTRY_ID))
    pools: DynArray[address, 1000] = metaregistry.find_pools_for_coins(source_token, destination_token)

    if len(pools) == 0:
        return quotes

    # get  pool types for each pool
    for pool in pools:

        # is it a stableswap pool? are the coin pairs part of a metapool?
        pool_type: uint8 = self._get_pool_type(pool, metaregistry)

        # get coin indices
        i: int128 = 0
        j: int128 = 0
        is_underlying: bool = False
        (i, j, is_underlying) = metaregistry.get_coin_indices(pool, source_token, destination_token)

        # get balances
        balances: uint256[MAX_COINS] = metaregistry.get_underlying_balances(pool)
        dyn_balances: DynArray[uint256, MAX_COINS] = []
        for bal in balances:
            if bal > 0:

        # skip if pool is too small
        if 0 in dyn_balances:

        # do a get_dy call and only save quote if call does not bork; use correct abi (in128 vs uint256)
        quote: uint256 = self._get_pool_quote(i, j, amount_in, pool, pool_type, is_underlying)

        # check if get_dy works and if so, append quote to dynarray
        if quote > 0 and len(quotes) < MAX_QUOTES:
                        source_token_index: convert(i, uint256),
                        dest_token_index: convert(j, uint256),
                        is_underlying: is_underlying,
                        amount_out: quote,
                        pool: pool,
                        source_token_pool_balance: balances[i],
                        dest_token_pool_balance: balances[j],
                        pool_type: pool_type

    return quotes

def _get_pool_quote(
    i: int128,
    j: int128, 
    amount_in: uint256, 
    pool: address, 
    pool_type: uint8, 
    is_underlying: bool
) -> uint256:

    success: bool = False
    response: Bytes[32] = b""
    method_abi: Bytes[4] = b""

    # choose the right abi:
    if pool_type == 0 and is_underlying:
        method_abi = method_id(STABLESWAP_META_ABI)
    elif pool_type == 0 and not is_underlying:
        method_abi = method_id(STABLESWAP_ABI)
        method_abi = method_id(CRYPTOSWAP_ABI)

    success, response = raw_call(
            convert(i, bytes32),
            convert(j, bytes32),
            convert(amount_in, bytes32),

    if success:
        return convert(response, uint256)

    return 0

def _get_pool_type(pool: address, metaregistry: Metaregistry) -> uint8:

    # 0 for stableswap, 1 for cryptoswap, 2 for LLAMMA.

    success: bool = False
    response: Bytes[32] = b""

    # check if cryptoswap
    success, response = raw_call(
    if success:
        return 1

    # check if llamma
    success, response = raw_call(
    if success:
        return 2

    return 0

This example shows the quotes when swapping 1000 CRV for asdCRV. The get_quotes method returns two Quote structs because there are two pools that can facilitate the trade:

>>> CurveRateProvider.get_quotes('0x11cdb42b0eb46d95f990bedd4695a6e3fa034978', '0x75289388d50364c3013583d97bd70ced0e183e32', 10**21)
[0, 1, false, 714858885217291769395, 0xB85246768Cfea42b0c935265Db798C9Ae457646f, 252287097613511084984749, 79868164306389315090776, 1]
[0, 2, false, 720123483984082032033, 0x5C959D2c1a49B637Fb988c40d663265F8Bf6d289, 1172262450081282857543531, 447584250494794848814622, 1]


CurveRateProvider.get_aggregated_rate(source_token: address, destination_token: address) -> uint256

Getter for the weighted aggregated rate of all quotes from the source_token to the destination_token. The calculations are based on an input amount of 1 unit of the source token. The aggregated rate is calculated as follows:

  1. For each quote, the balances of the source and destination tokens in the pool are normalized to a scale of 18 decimals.
  2. The total balance is computed by summing the normalized balances of the source and destination tokens across all pools.
  3. The weight for each quote is determined by the proportion of its normalized pool balance to the total balance. The weighted average is then computed by summing the product of each quote's output amount and its weight.

Returns: aggregated rate (uint256).

Input Type Description
source_token address Source token.
destination_token address Destination token.
Source code
def get_aggregated_rate(source_token: address, destination_token: address) -> uint256:

    amount_in: uint256 = 10**convert(ERC20Detailed(source_token).decimals(), uint256)
    quotes: DynArray[Quote, MAX_QUOTES] = self._get_quotes(source_token, destination_token, amount_in)

    return self.weighted_average_quote(
        convert(ERC20Detailed(source_token).decimals(), uint256), 
        convert(ERC20Detailed(destination_token).decimals(), uint256),

def weighted_average_quote(
    source_token_decimals: uint256, 
    dest_token_decimals: uint256, 
    quotes: DynArray[Quote, MAX_QUOTES]
) -> uint256:

    num_quotes: uint256 = len(quotes)

    # Calculate total balance with normalization
    total_balance: uint256 = 0
    for i in range(num_quotes, bound=MAX_QUOTES):
        source_balance_normalized: uint256 = quotes[i].source_token_pool_balance * 10**(18 - source_token_decimals)
        dest_balance_normalized: uint256 = quotes[i].dest_token_pool_balance * 10**(18 - dest_token_decimals)
        total_balance += source_balance_normalized + dest_balance_normalized

    # Calculate weighted sum with normalization
    weighted_avg: uint256 = 0
    for i in range(num_quotes, bound=MAX_QUOTES):
        source_balance_normalized: uint256 = quotes[i].source_token_pool_balance * 10**(18 - source_token_decimals)
        dest_balance_normalized: uint256 = quotes[i].dest_token_pool_balance * 10**(18 - dest_token_decimals)
        pool_balance_normalized: uint256 = source_balance_normalized + dest_balance_normalized
        weight: uint256 = (pool_balance_normalized * 10**18) / total_balance  # Use 18 decimal places for precision
        weighted_avg += weight * quotes[i].amount_out / 10**18

    return weighted_avg
>>> CurveRateProvider.get_aggregated_rate('0x11cdb42b0eb46d95f990bedd4695a6e3fa034978', '0x75289388d50364c3013583d97bd70ced0e183e32')


CurveRateProvider.version() -> String[8]: view

Getter for the version of the rate provider contract.

Returns: contract version (String[8]).

Source code
version: public(constant(String[8])) = "1.1.0"
>>> CurveRateProvider.version()


CurveRateProvider.ADDRESS_PROVIDER() -> address: view

Getter for the address provider contract. This variable is set when initializing the contract and cannot be changed afterward. Documentation for the address provider can be found here.

Returns: address provider contract (address).

Source code
interface AddressProvider:
    def get_address(id: uint256) -> address: view

ADDRESS_PROVIDER: public(immutable(AddressProvider))

def __init__(address_provider: address):
    ADDRESS_PROVIDER = AddressProvider(address_provider)
>>> CurveRateProvider.ADDRESS_PROVIDER()

  1. All old liquidity pools are integrated into the Metaregistry. Newly deployed ones are automatically picked up. Therefore, all pools should be included.